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Dec 3, 2023
Jeffrey Dahmer’s mother demanded his brain was removed for controversial autopsy
Joyce Flint insisted that her eldest son's brain to be donated to science in the hope of finding out what propelled him to depths of evil.

Oct 28, 2023
Crime Through Time Museum: We went to the 'UK's sickest museum'... and it is truly grim
The Crime Through Time Museum is truly sick, and not for the faint of heart or people who are easily shocked.

Apr 15, 2023
Which serial killers are mentioned in Gavin and Stacey?
It's one of the most beloved (and iconic) British sitcoms of all time, but there's a sinister undertone to Gavin and Stacey... and it's...

Feb 6, 2023
John Wayne Gacy's KFC death row meal and sickening last words before his 1994 execution
John Wayne Gacy didn't want to leave this life without one final taste of the Colonel's blend of secret herbs and spices.

Jan 8, 2023
Joanna Dennehy: The Peterborough Ditch Murderer and the man who loved her
Most men might be deterred if they knew you had killed three men (and roped them in to help hide the bodies)... but not Gary Stretch!

Dec 27, 2022
Who was Ed Kemper's mother and why did he hate her so much?
For those who don't know, Ed Kemper hated his mum SO MUCH that he cut her head off and raped it, then put her vocal cords down the sink.

Dec 27, 2022
Did Jeffrey Dahmer kill his grandma Catherine Dahmer? Death, house, what she knew of the murders
Jeffrey Dahmer killed and butchered men in the basement of his grandma's home. But did he kill her too?

Dec 27, 2022
Ed Kemper hated his mum so much he cut her head off and had sex with it
After Edmund Kemper killed and decapitated his mother, he tore out her vocal cords and shoved them down the waste disposal.

Nov 12, 2022
'Nosferatu killer' Tsutomu Miyazaki murdered four little girls in sickening killing spree
Japanese serial killer Tsutomu Miyazaki was a paedophile who murdered four little girls, with a fifth victim saved just moments from death.

Nov 3, 2022
How did Jeffrey Dahmer die? Christopher Scarver mercilessly bludgeoned serial killer to death
Jeff Dahmer was sentenced to almost 1,000 years in prison but he only served a fraction of that after he was murdered by a fellow inmate....

Nov 2, 2022
Albert Fish's pelvis x-ray gave a glimpse of his masochistic perversions
When it comes to serial killers, there are few as truly vile as Albert Fish, an American paedophile who loved to drink urine, murder...

Oct 30, 2022
Jeffrey Dahmer wore yellow contact lenses to hunt for victims - like Star Wars' Emperor Palpatine
Jeffrey Dahmer was so obsessed with Star Wars baddie Emperor Palpatine that he wore yellow contact lenses when he went looking for victims.

Oct 30, 2022
How long was Jeffrey Dahmer in prison?
Jeffrey Dahmer's killing spree lasted from 1978 until 1991 - but his punishment was just months.

Oct 30, 2022
Where are Jeffrey Dahmer’s Polaroids? Graphic murder photos from Milwaukee Cannibal’s apartment
Even if Jeffrey Dahmer hadn’t admitted to the murder of 17 young men, there was plenty of evidence to prove otherwise - stacks of...

Oct 30, 2022
Who was Jeffrey Dahmer? Cannibal necrophiliac's crimes and grisly death
Jeffrey Dahmer is infamous for killing men and committing necrophilia - plus keeping body parts in fridges and taking disgusting photos

Oct 30, 2022
Jeff Dahmer funeral: What the serial killer requested to happen to his dead body
The serial killer's last wishes became public knowledge in 1995 when his dad, Lionel, went to court to stop his brain being dissected.

Oct 30, 2022
Jeff Dahmer autopsy photos: See rare morgue pics of serial killer's corpse
Jeffrey Dahmer's bruised and battered corpse was forever immortalised in pictures taken after he was bludgeoned to death.

Oct 30, 2022
How tall was Jeffrey Dahmer? Milwaukee Cannibal serial killer height in feet and cms
The serial killer responsible for the murder and dismemberment of 17 men was surprisingly tall...

Oct 30, 2022
Dennis Nilsen shared his private thoughts about Jeffrey Dahmer - and their very similar murders
Dennis Nilsen and Jeffrey Dahmer are often called the British/American equivalents of one another.

Oct 10, 2022
How tall is Ed Kemper? Massive serial killer's height in feet and cms
The Co-Ed Killer is one of the biggest serial killers in history, towering over everyone he encountered.
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