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Rose West laughs about her iconic 'serial killer specs'
Rose West also wore a pair of oversized specs... but later told her abused stepdaughter she found them "funny" to look back at.
Sep 30, 2022

Callous John Wayne Gacy mocked mother of one of his victims - and urged her to take her own life
John Wayne Gary publicly urged the grieving mother of one of his victims to kill herself with a drug overdose.
Apr 17, 2022

Watch John Wayne Gacy perform the rope trick he used to kill his victims
In this archive footage, Gacy jovially demonstrates to a naïve TV reporter "how to tie knots" - giving a glimpse of how he captured victims.
Apr 16, 2022

The John Wayne Gacy Tapes: New Netflix series Conversations With A Killer
FINALLY John Wayne Gacy is getting a decent documentary - rather than the usual, crap, straight to DVD movies.
Apr 16, 2022

John Wayne Gacy's victims' relatives destroyed his artwork in a huge bonfire
John Wayne Gacy's paintings have become highly sought after in the 'murderabilia' world - but they have also caused a lot of distress.
Apr 13, 2022

John Wayne Gacy explains why he called himself 'Pogo the Clown' in death row confession
'Killer Clown' John Wayne Gacy revealed why he invented Pogo and how he found wearing clown-face makeup relaxing
Apr 13, 2022

John Wayne Gacy slept in a coffin with a dead teenage boy
Before his reign as a child-killing clown, John Wayne Gacy had a stint working at a mortuary
Apr 12, 2022

Inside Peter Sutcliffe and Jimmy Savile's vile Broadmoor bromance
The Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe and necrophile child molester Jimmy Savile struck up an uncomfortable friendship in the late 1980s...
Apr 12, 2022

The best true crime books of all time: Peter Sutcliffe, Charles Ng, Dennis Nilsen, Ed Kemper & more
These are the best True Crime books ever written - do you agree? Tell us @sinisterisles
Jan 10, 2022

Ed Kemper’s brother fears he will hunt him down and kill him if he is ever released
Ed Kemper's brother lives in fear that his huge murderous sibling will use his IQ to get out of prison... and hunt him down and kill him.
Jan 8, 2022

One of Richard Ramirez's jury fell in love with him during his trial
Cindy Haden was one of the jurors at Richard Ramirez’s 1988 trial, and she took a real shine to the Devil worshipping sodomising burglar.
Jan 8, 2022

Richard Ramirez ‘gouged out victim’s eye and had sex with socket’ claims killer’s teenage fan
These days, serial killer groupies have the internet to share their thoughts, feelings and desires - in the 90s they went on TV.
Jan 8, 2022

Deranged mum Marie Noe killed eight of her ten kids - but her husband refused to believe it
For 19 years, Marie Noe was the most pitied woman in America - every single one of her ten babies had died between April '49 and January '68
Jan 7, 2022

Ed Kemper 2021 mugshot: See photo of serial killer today
There have been few photos of Ed Kemper since he was jailed in 1973 for eight counts of murder - including that of his own mum... until now
Dec 27, 2021

Cats But Their Eyes Are Serial Killers Calendar 2022
"The perfect calendar doesn't ex... of wait" Etsy Customer It's here! The calendar you never knew you wanted (or existed for that...
Nov 22, 2021

'Pakistan's worst serial killer' Javed Iqbal murdered 100 boys and dissolved them in acid
He confessed that he had lured boys to his home where he sodomised them, strangled, dismembered, and dissolved them in acid.
Nov 12, 2021

Dennis Nilsen auction: Serial killer's glasses and Bacardi Sunrise painting up for grabs
Sixty personal belongings of 'Des' are up for grabs - including his typewriter, keyboard and THOSE glasses
Aug 22, 2021

Sinister Women: Buy our new 24-page Zine all about female British crooks!
SINISTER WOMEN is a 24-page extravaganza of the UK's most infamous female criminals, and the ridiculous tabloid stories about them.
May 15, 2021

Dorángel Vargas: The homeless cannibal known as El comegente ('the people eater')
To people wandering through the park, Dorángel Vargas would have looked like any other homeless person. But to him, they looked like dinner.
May 13, 2021

David Berkowitz reminisces about trying to get possessed by Satan
The Son Of Sam reveals he was not only worshipping Satan but also begging to be possessed.
May 5, 2021
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