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Oct 28, 2023
Crime Through Time Museum: We went to the 'UK's sickest museum'... and it is truly grim
The Crime Through Time Museum is truly sick, and not for the faint of heart or people who are easily shocked.

Aug 21, 2023
Twisted doctor Carl Tanzler dug up his dead patient Elena and made her his corpse bride
The horrible true story of Carl Tanzler, a wrinkly old doctor who had a necrophile relationship with his DEAD 22-year-old patient.

Feb 6, 2023
John Wayne Gacy's KFC death row meal and sickening last words before his 1994 execution
John Wayne Gacy didn't want to leave this life without one final taste of the Colonel's blend of secret herbs and spices.

Dec 27, 2022
Ed Kemper hated his mum so much he cut her head off and had sex with it
After Edmund Kemper killed and decapitated his mother, he tore out her vocal cords and shoved them down the waste disposal.

Nov 14, 2022
Zachary Davis: Dr. Phil interviews Tennessee 'sledgehammer killer'
The teen tells Dr. Phil how he bludgeoned his mum to death with a sledgehammer as she slept... you won't be able to un-see this!

Oct 30, 2022
Jeff Dahmer funeral: What the serial killer requested to happen to his dead body
The serial killer's last wishes became public knowledge in 1995 when his dad, Lionel, went to court to stop his brain being dissected.

Sep 30, 2022
Rose West laughs about her iconic 'serial killer specs'
Rose West also wore a pair of oversized specs... but later told her abused stepdaughter she found them "funny" to look back at.

Apr 17, 2022
Callous John Wayne Gacy mocked mother of one of his victims - and urged her to take her own life
John Wayne Gary publicly urged the grieving mother of one of his victims to kill herself with a drug overdose.

Apr 16, 2022
Watch John Wayne Gacy perform the rope trick he used to kill his victims
In this archive footage, Gacy jovially demonstrates to a naïve TV reporter "how to tie knots" - giving a glimpse of how he captured victims.

Apr 16, 2022
The John Wayne Gacy Tapes: New Netflix series Conversations With A Killer
FINALLY John Wayne Gacy is getting a decent documentary - rather than the usual, crap, straight to DVD movies.

Jan 10, 2022
The best true crime books of all time: Peter Sutcliffe, Charles Ng, Dennis Nilsen, Ed Kemper & more
These are the best True Crime books ever written - do you agree? Tell us @sinisterisles

Jan 8, 2022
Ed Kemper’s brother fears he will hunt him down and kill him if he is ever released
Ed Kemper's brother lives in fear that his huge murderous sibling will use his IQ to get out of prison... and hunt him down and kill him.

Jan 8, 2022
One of Richard Ramirez's jury fell in love with him during his trial
Cindy Haden was one of the jurors at Richard Ramirez’s 1988 trial, and she took a real shine to the Devil worshipping sodomising burglar.

Jan 8, 2022
Richard Ramirez ‘gouged out victim’s eye and had sex with socket’ claims killer’s teenage fan
These days, serial killer groupies have the internet to share their thoughts, feelings and desires - in the 90s they went on TV.

May 13, 2021
Dorángel Vargas: The homeless cannibal known as El comegente ('the people eater')
To people wandering through the park, Dorángel Vargas would have looked like any other homeless person. But to him, they looked like dinner.

May 5, 2021
David Berkowitz reminisces about trying to get possessed by Satan
The Son Of Sam reveals he was not only worshipping Satan but also begging to be possessed.

Feb 7, 2021
New Valentine's Day card added to the Sinister Isles etsy shop
There's still time to order one of our brilliant True Crime/Mew Crime cards for the cats 'n' killers lover in your life.

Jan 17, 2021
Richard Ramirez 'puked up green liquid' when he was arrested
Richard Ramirez was scary enough when we knew him just as a serial rapist with amazing cheekbones, but details of his arrest are alarming.

Jan 15, 2021
Richard Ramirez's disgusting rotten teeth got fixed on death row
"Do you promise to tell the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth?" Richard Ramirez's mouth did.

Jan 15, 2021
Richard Ramirez had death row wedding to mega fan virgin Doreen Lioy, 41
One loved rape and worshipped Satan, the other was a God fearing spinster. This is the story of Richard Ramirez and Doreen Lioy.
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