Anthony Loffredo, aka @the_black_alien_project loves sharing his body modification journey with fans on Instagram - and he has also posted photos of himself showing what he looked like before having any procedures, too.
He recently posted a video online that showed his metamorphism from cute child to the (somewhat terrifying) nose-less, bumpy headed social media celebrity he is today.
He captioned it: "It's good to dream, but it's even more beautiful to make your dreams come true."
Here's what The Black Alien Project looked like from childhood... to today

The first picture shows Black Alien as a fresh faced school boy - he doesn't state how old he is in this photo, but we estimate he must be around 10-years-old. He might not have even known what aliens were then - or that he would one day become one.
Next we see him as a man, and it's impossible to deny that he was naturally very good looking. With slicked back hair and perfectly shaped eyebrows, you would never imagine that one day he would not have a nose, lips or ears.
Looking surprisingly like Peter Andre, Black Alien winks for the camera. He has a tattooed neck, facial piercings and tunnels in his ears.

As his transformation progresses, Black Alien's beautiful eyebrows have gone, as has his hair. A black tattooed face makes his tattooed eyeballs appear even darker - he could pass as a dad to one of the black eyed children who terrorised the UK in 2014. His ear lobes are now more stretched, and a chevron of dermal implants run across the top of his forehead.
Next picture he is starting to look familiar. There's an increase in dermal implants, more piercings - but his ears are gone, surgically removed.
In the next image, his nose is gone. Shockingly he had his nose cut off as part of his big plan to look like an extra-terrestrial of his own design. He has also had lightning bolts cut in to his face. When healed, they will be flashes of his natural skin tone against his heavily inked face. His lips are still there.

Wearing an S&M inspired dog collar, Black Alien flashes five fingers of his right hand - perhaps for the last time. His upper lip is missing, and his chin is more pointed and defined after changing his implant. A flash of his teeth show they have been filed in to points.
A close-up picture of his face shows the extreme shaping he has achieved with dermal implants, and the huge amount of flesh he has had removed for his lip augmentation.
The final picture in the series shows Black Alien in a lift after having two fingers removed in Mexico.
At the time of writing he claims he has hit 36% of his transformation plans... we wonder what is next!