We're used to seeing Anthony Loffredo's ever-evolving face staring out at us from Instagram, but have you ever wondered what the Black Alien Project looked like before?
Spoiler alert: He used to look pretty normal. Actually, he was really good looking.
But then he tattooed himself head-to-toe, chopped his nose off, cut his top lip off, sliced his ears off, cut two of his fingers off, stuck a variety of dermal implants under his skin, split his tongue, filed his teeth in to sharp points and painted them blue, carved off slices of skin, inked his eyeballs black... his transformations come so thick and fast that sometimes it's hard to remember what he looked like last week let alone ten years ago!
Find the Black Alien Project on Instagram, TikTok and Twitter
See the Black Alien Project before he cut off his nose in 2020
The Black Alien Project's plans to remove four of his fingers
Black Alien shows off HUGE 20mm stretched labret with glass plug... you can see his teeth!
What did the Black Alien Project look like before surgery and tattoos?
The Black Alien Project shares dreams of having a family and kids
The Black Alien mocked for new career giving people 'trashy' abstract tattoos
Need a reminder? Here are some of old photos of The Black Alien Project before his body modification transformation.

Find the Black Alien Project on Instagram, TikTok and Twitter
See the Black Alien Project before he cut off his nose in 2020
The Black Alien Project's plans to remove four of his fingers
Black Alien shows off HUGE 20mm stretched labret with glass plug... you can see his teeth!
What did the Black Alien Project look like before surgery and tattoos?
The Black Alien Project shares dreams of having a family and kids
The Black Alien mocked for new career giving people 'trashy' abstract tattoos