The Antichrist is a GEMINI! Well I never would have guessed - said no-one ever.
Damien Thorn was born on June 6 at 6am (there's one tell-tale 666, the other is already stamped on to his body ), bizarrely out of a jackal, in Rome. Now, the priest that witnessed his birth knew he was the Antichrist, but somehow still allowed the infant Damien to be adopted by the US Ambassador and his wife after their own baby died at birth/was murdered by Satanists with a big plan for the demon infant.
Now I could easily go down the route of 'Gemini men are evil, they ruin lives', but you can get those miserable rantings and memes on Instagram (where you can also find Sinister Isles actually, gis' a follow).
Instead, I ask you to think about Damien Thorn's insatiable thirst for power and political clout, and just the fact he's evil personified.
Did you know that Boris Johnson is a Gemini, too?
June 6th is a busy day for Satanic births - it's also when Rosemary's Baby was born.