What sort of man takes murderous instructions from a noisy Labrador? Answer: The same sort of man who actively tries to release his soul from his body so evil can move in... but you can call him Dave.
David Berkowitz was 67 on June 1. He celebrated in jail, where he's been since 1977, via some psychiatric wards, including New York's notorious Sing Sing prison.
Here’s an archive clip of The Son Of Sam reminiscing about worshipping Satan and begging to be possessed. Guess no one told him Gemini men are evil as standard, they don’t need any help from their grandmaster to cause pain and havoc - DON’T @ US.
The postman was just 24 when he terrorised New York, shooting dead six people between July 1976 until his arrest in August 1977. His preferred victims were couples, or women with long, wavy, dark hair.
Most infamously, Berkowitz claimed that he received his killing orders from a demon-possessed dog called Harvey who was owned by his downstairs neighbour.
He plead guilty to the six killings, as well as nearly 1,500 fires he had set in and around New York City, and was slapped with six 25-year life sentences to be served back-to-back.
Since going to prison, he has found God, and enjoys a new status as Christian icon (we kid you not!!) and says he is no longer "Son of Sam" but the "Son of Hope".