'Serial killer glasses' aren't just favoured by male serial killers like Dennis Nilsen, Jeffrey Dahmer and Charles Ng - Rose West also wore a pair of oversized specs... but later told her abused stepdaughter she found them "funny" to look back at.
Rose West has reinvested herself as a prison fashionista, and claims that she "wouldn't be seen dead" in the big white glasses immortalised in her police mugshots.
The remarkable claims came in a 2009 interview with the mass killer and child abuser's granddaughter, Michelle Davis, who told the Sunday People that she feared the twisted mum-of-eight still had a hold over her vulnerable mum, Rose's stepdaughter Anne Marie.
As well as revealing Anne Marie had a weekly call with the sadistic frump, she lifted the lid on her cushty life in HM Prison New Hall, Wakefield.
Michelle said: "Mum says weird things like Rose has Sky TV and is addicted to true-crime documentaries about herself on the History Channel.

"And she says Rose cracks up laughing at herself because of the clothes she used to wear and how her huge white glasses with the plastic frames were so funny.
"She says she wouldn't be seen dead in them now, like she's some fashion guru. It's bizarre."
Michelle added that she refuses to speak to Rose when she calls the family home, and tries to disrupt the tete-a-tete by shrieking loudly.
Michelle said: "What does she expect me to say - I love you, granny? The woman's deluded.
"But Mum seems to have forgotten the rapes and forgotten the torture - and gone back to letting Rose punish her again.

"Maybe Rose needs to prove she hasn't lost her touch - and Mum's the perfect puppet for that."
Anne Marie is the oldest surviving child of Fred West, and half-sister of Charmaine, Fred's stepdaughter who Rose is believed to have murdered while he was in prison in June 1971.
Her mum Rena was also killed later that summer, but at the hands of her estranged husband, Fred. The remains of her body were later found dismembered and buried in plastic bags in a corner of Letterbox Field, in his home village of Much Marcle, Herefordshire.

Alone in the world, Anne Marie was subjected to years of sickening abuse at the hands of her biological dad Fred and his sadistic new wife, including being raped with a sex toy when she was just eight, as well as relentless physical abuse that lasted until she was old enough to leave home.
But it seemed that she was never truly able to free herself from the emotional ties or trauma that she was subjected to at the hands of her incestous family.
Michelle told the paper: "Mum has had years to recover from what happened to her as a child - and she did seem to be getting over it.
"But she seems to have forgotten this is the same woman who sexually abused her and held her down while she was being raped.

"Why she even gives her the time of day I'll never know. It's beyond me."
While Michelle refuses to be associated with her nan, and admitted that she had begun self-harming to help cope with being heckled in the street for her links to the infamous abuser, she will not think badly of her grandad, who hanged himself on New Year's Day 1995 while awaiting trial.
She told the paper that she has fond memories of "Grampy" playing hide-and-seek with her at 25 Cromwell Street - the sprawling property where he buried victims in the basement and under the patio, and built in a separate suite complete with spy-holes where Rose worked as a prostitute.
Three of her eight children were fathered by her punters.
Michelle said: "I can't put the man who killed my gran and all those women together with the sweet granddad I knew and loved. I can't quite accept they are the same person. I know all the things he did to my mum too - but that wasn't the person I knew.
"I think if I ever accepted the monster is actually my granddad I would break down for ever. He's gone now and can't hurt my mum anymore - but Rose can. And she is doing it again, whispering poison into her ear and making her life a misery."